Six Questions: Dana R. | New York, NY

Murjani Rawls
The Life & Times of Quarantine
3 min readDec 15, 2020


1. What was one event that you had planned for 2020 and did it happen?

I was supposed to get married this year! The wedding was planned for the Fall. We had to push that way back, but we don’t really mind. I’m just glad we have each other.

2. How has COVID-19 impacted you in a social sense? Do you look at anything differently?

I’m a huge introvert and don’t mind staying in for days on end, honestly. I’ve become super appreciative of all the small things, though–coffee shops, libraries, shows, seeing friends. I think I really took advantage of that before. I’m at a point right now where I’m actually really itching for things to go back to the way they were. Mostly so I can travel again. I couldn’t say the same for the first few months of COVID.

3. As a woman, what do you think that 2020 has done for progress and what more can be done?

This was an eye-opening year for many people who weren’t explicitly aware of all the stupid sh*t that goes on around here. So many people have spent their whole lives only passively aware of inequality and injustice. As terrible as this year has been for many of us, it also brought big changes. So much of my year revolved around the elections–reading up on policies and what they’re rooted in, reading up on what others believe in and why they believe in them, volunteering my time. I’ve watched so many folks, public figures especially, do a complete 180 for the better. People, myself included, are more conscious of their privilege and power, and I think acknowledging that huge disparity has always been the first step.

2020 has also seen great progress in terms of prioritizing representation. As a woman of color who works in health and education, I see powerful women of color in leadership roles every single day. I know what that kind of inspiration can do for your expectations and your motivation. I’d love to see that become more common across the board. I’d love for girls and young women to see someone who looks like them in STEM, in astrology, in aeronautics, etc.

4. What do you feel is the number one problem American is facing and how do we fix it?

The lack of empathy and collectivism in America is the main reason we’re in so much trouble. Everyone is raised to look out only for themselves; that’s the biggest difference between this country and a country like New Zealand. People need to start seeing the value of community and the importance of looking out for others.

5. Name four things that you have clung to that have made this time of COVID bearable for you.

Trying on new outfits I’ll wear “someday”, visiting a different donut shop every month, making TikTok references to people who have no idea what I’m saying, and Grey’s Anatomy.

6. Once this year is over, if you can go back in time and give yourself advice about this year, what would it be?

This year will go down as one of the most historic years of your generation’s lifetime. This would’ve been a great year to leave the city and live in a van and travel to different remote areas of the country. Also, you should buy Tesla stock in March.

Bonus Question: Saweetie or Megan Thee Stallion and why?

I may or may not own a Saweetie stan account. Cannot confirm nor deny.

